Memorial Day

Today was Memorial Day, and the Gypsy Caravan. Allen and I went down and checked out more junk and crap than one place has any right to contain all at once. I bought a new leather bag for cheap, and Allen got a new (old) pipe and a piperack (see below - he's cleaning his finds as I work on images)

Ok, so i tried to write this entry about poor me being sick this week and hit 'submit' and nothing happened.

In short i went into gross detail about the nasties that are making me feel yucky, wished my illness upon both my boss and my rich-bitch-impossible-to-please customers, and gave an ever-so-brief remark about the new Star Wars movie.

You aren't missing much.

Oh yeah, and I know what the flag of Guatemala looks like. I mentioned that too.

Like all the days. The sun came up and went down. I didn't get to see it, but I hear while it was up, being out-of doors was quite pleasant.

There's a flood at the bottom of our complex. Lots of people drive in every day completely ignoring the numerous signs that say "MARSHALL ROAD FLOODED. NO ACCESS TO TREECOURT INDUSTRIAL" and then stop dumbfounded staring at the flood baracade. Patiently they wait, hoping the waters will part and they will be granted safe passage to the promised land of milk and honey and golf, but alas, the water doesn't part.

I guess the big news lately is the haircut:

I'm working on my second real honest website. This one is for a guy who works at our custom framing wholesaler. wanna see? Here it is...You'll have to click on 'home' to get the images to pop up right...

Off work tomorrow. YeeeeHaw!

Feel beat up now. Off to sleep :)